Management Direction
In the direction of Administration, applied knowledge is provided mainly to executives of the wider public sector, but also to executives of organizations that are active in sectors directly affected by public policy and/or involved in its formulation, who require a mix of knowledge derived from economic science and business administration. Students acquire a range of skills and knowledge useful for their expertise in selecting, designing and implementing the best possible public policies so that they can find answers to public policy challenges.

Direction of Financial Management
In the direction of Financial Management, the professional skills of the participants are developed and expanded through the specialization of knowledge and tools in the field of financial management of the wider public sector or organizations that operate in sectors directly affected by public policy and/or involved in its formulation , such as banks, consultancies, foundations and NGOs. Postgraduate students are provided with a solid foundation of knowledge and research methods, which will enable them to continuously learn and develop in their field of expertise.