Applied public economics and policy focuses on the processes by which various types of policies and regulations are created, as well as the broader economic, political and social factors.

The MSc. "Applied Public Economics Policy" is aimed at new graduates, but also workers for careers as specialized high-ranking executives in the wider public sector or other organizations active in sectors directly affected by public policy, such as banks, consultancies, foundations and NGOs.< br />
In MSc graduates of the Departments of Economics, Business Administration or other related Departments of the national Universities or recognized foreign equivalent institutions are accepted.
But beyond these typical characteristics, the ideal target market is candidates who have one or more of the aspects described below:
Ambitious and hardworking young people, who wish to gain a comparative advantage in today's competitive work market environment.
Graduates who wish to become senior and top executives of the wider public sector, but also executives of organizations that operate in sectors directly affected by public policy and/or involved in shaping of this.
Employees aiming for a stable and rapid career progression in the wider public sector or other organizations operating in sectors directly affected by public policy.
Ambitious people, who do not wish to interrupt their work and are looking for an education that adapts to their life rhythms.
Workers who want to prove that equipped with the right supplies contribute to the faster development of the units they work for, especially in cases where their employer finances their studies.
Individuals who intend to continue their studies at PhD level.