As we enter the third decade of the 21st century, we are faced with multiple challenges. Economic, political and social inequality, climate change and diseases such as Sars-Cov-2 and HIV-AIDS are perhaps the tip of the iceberg in an ever-changing world. In this context, the executives of the public sector, but also those of the private sector and NGOs, are called upon to make decisions and to provide information and advice on issues related to public economic policy to multiple groups of people: political figures, the press, private and international Organizations, Non-Governmental Organizations, and even ordinary citizens need information and help to choose, design and implement the best possible public policies. This requires a range of skills and knowledge, the teaching of which is the purpose of the planned master's program in Applied Public Economics and Policy.
The design of the MSc "Applied Public Economic Policy", the course content and structure are based on applied public finance.

At the heart of the Program are core courses, through which students will learn how economic policies are designed, implemented and evaluated by public organizations at the local, regional, national and global level. Courses are taught through a combination of traditional lectures, case studies and applications to current policy issues, so that students fully assimilate the required concepts and skills in a format directly adapted to their application.
The second part of the Program is the specialization of these knowledge and tools in the field of interest of each student, through the choice of direction and elective courses, so that the students can in turn find answers to the public policy challenges that concern them . In this way, the professional skills of the participants are developed and expanded through modules, taught by professors and external collaborators with active involvement in issues such as the socio-economic evaluation of investments, negotiations and the control of public organizations. This goal is also supported by the existence in the Department of Economics of recognized P.M.S., specialized in categories of economic policy such as the Economics of Health and Education, whose successful course creates the possibility for the development of collaborations at the level of courses , activities etc.
The result of the above teaching units is an innovative program, which will provide applied knowledge mainly to executives of the wider public sector, but also to executives of organizations that are active in sectors directly affected by public policy (and/or involved in its formulation), such as banks, consultancies, foundations and NGOs. Graduates will have specialized skills in areas of urgent need, such as (quantitative and qualitative) public policy analysis, public organization management and strategic communication.
The creation of qualified scientists, able to meet needs in matters of effective administration of the public sector, can maintain and create economic growth and jobs in the country.
The purpose of the MSc is:
to equip students with the fundamental knowledge necessary for employment in the field of public finance
to bring students into contact with the most modern problems that concern and will concern the public sector in the future
to offer freedom of choice to the student according to his interests, covering as wide a range of subjects as possible through two majors and electives
to prepare students for doctoral level postgraduate studies
to create qualified scientists, capable of meeting needs in matters of effective administration of the public sector.